Boerboel Dogs - An Aggressive Yet Friendly Family And Property Guard!


Many species of dogs are domesticated, and more than 450 globally recognized breeds exist on the earth. The dogs are known for their smelling and hearing senses; some studies also indicate that they can see the earth's magnetic field, have advanced memory skills, and learn by inference. They understand and communicate with their owners more than any other species of animals and are aligned to human behavior. Therefore, people have preferred to domesticate various breeds of dogs for millennia. Today's popular breeds include German shepherd, Bulldog, Labrador retriever, Poodle, Afghan hound, Pomeranian, and Boerboel. Each species has prominent physical and behavioral features.

A Brief Of Boerboel Dogs


Many individuals like to own dogs with short coats as their fur needs regular trimming or falls off and sticks to different household stuff. French bulldogs, Labrador, pug, beagle, and Boerboel dogs have short coats and require less maintenance than other breeds. Among all these breeds, Boerboel dogs from South Africa stand out with their height (ranging between 22 to 27 inches), strong bone structure, weight (150 to 200 lbs.), short tail, and well-developed muscles. It is a large dog, a crossbreed of mastiffs and bulldogs, found in shades of red, brown, yellow, brindle, and black. It is known for its courage and alertness. The people keep it as a farm or family guard dog as they show aggression toward other dogs or strangers. 

Though Boerboel dogs are aggressive, they are intelligent, reliable, and easy to train. They prove to be an excellent companion and property and family guards. They need daily exercise of an hour and primary grooming. This breed is not expected at animal shelters or rescue groups. The members of the Worldwide Boerboel League and Registry, a USA-based Boerboel Organization, breed the selectively imported dogs from South Africa and provide regal, graceful, and proud puppies refined over time. Some offer classic, mellow Boerboel dogs besides hard, stern dogs.


The Bottom Line

 Many countries in Europe restrict the ownership of Boerboels. However, the US does not impose such restrictions on this wonderful dog's breeding and import. The residents have increasingly shown interest in domesticating this dog in the US, pushing several quality breeders and providers. The demand for top-notch Boerboels has increased over the years. However, these dogs are not for everyone as they need an experienced master and environment. They are not as playful as poodles, Pomeranians, or Labradors. Early and consistent training and socialization make them well-mannered and protective dogs.


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