Train A Boerboel Like A Pro!

 Boerboel, or South African Mastiff, is a powerful, intelligent dog breed. Many find it hard to believe that this breed shares a great rapport with children, given their appearance. However, it is possible to achieve this target by engaging them in positive training and socialization from a young age!

 Be it a black or a white Boerboel dog, it is mandatory to condition them smartly to keep them on their best behavior. This blog compiles practical tips to train the breed effectively.


But First, Let's Learn The Basics About The Breed

 It is a large working molossoid breed believed to have its origin in South Africa. The breed is known to come from interbreeding between indigenous African species and European settlers. They are functionally farmer's dogs who are also used to guard homesteads.

 This breed is prone to being dominant, so it is necessary to train them to live a balanced social life with other dogs and humans. It is a prerequisite for the owners to take command from the beginning through positive-reinforced training, or this breed can take over control to become the pack's leader. This is why it is not an ideal breed for someone bringing home his first pet.


Let's Talk A Bit About Their Temperament And Tendencies

 As mentioned earlier, this breed is known to be intelligent, obedient, confident, and dominating. But the dominant trait can be controlled with appropriate leadership and companionship. One has to be very careful with their training and ensure they are supervised for longer periods, as they are prone to get destructive and reckless when left stranded.

 Further, this breed is highly aggressive and protective towards their pack (including you!). They also have rigid territorial instincts that make them appropriate for guard roles. Being a self-content breed, they are fearless and sensitive toward the needs of their families. It is hard to imagine, but this breed is pretty playful and loves a good game of fetch.


How Can You Train This Breed?

This breed is not for apartment life but for a large fenced yard where they can be trained and spend optimal playtime. The more time you spend with a Boerboel, the more social he will become. This is important to reduce their aggressiveness. This breed has protective instincts and doesn't often go well with strangers. Therefore, the owners need to be present when their pet comes in first contact with a stranger.

With training, the owner should aim to achieve a leadership position. Boerboels's instinct is to have order in their group. When brought to a family, the breed treats his new family as a pack, which functions under a single leader! Therefore, it is easier to socialize with Boerboels when the lines are clearly defined, and rules are set.

 This breed should have sufficient exercise and playtime and should be taken on long walks every day! They thrive on love from their family and companionship.

 We hope this post offers the insights that you are looking for! If you want high-quality black or white Boerboel dogs, contact Atomic Boerboels.



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