
Train A Boerboel Like A Pro!

  Boerboel, or South African Mastiff, is a powerful, intelligent dog breed. Many find it hard to believe that this breed shares a great rapport with children, given their appearance. However, it is possible to achieve this target by engaging them in positive training and socialization from a young age!   Be it a black or a white Boerboel dog , it is mandatory to condition them smartly to keep them on their best behavior. This blog compiles practical tips to train the breed effectively.   But First, Let's Learn The Basics About The Breed   It is a large working molossoid breed believed to have its origin in South Africa. The breed is known to come from interbreeding between indigenous African species and European settlers. They are functionally farmer's dogs who are also used to guard homesteads.   This breed is prone to being dominant, so it is necessary to train them to live a balanced social life with other dogs and humans. It is a prerequisite for the owners to tak

Domesticate A South African Mastiff For The Protection!

People love to be parents of furry pets and search for the right one based on their looks and attributes. German shepherd, French bulldog, Retriever, Poodles, Husky, Pomeranian, Havanese, Dalmatian, and Mastiff breeds are popular among US citizens and have distinct appearance and personality traits. One thing in common is that they are affectionate, protective, and friendly.   Mastiff - As A Dog Breed Origin And Nature   Mastiff puppies of English and South African breeds are available in the USA. They are heavy and oversized, with massive bodies, broad skulls, and square-shaped heads. They are loving, calm, and good-natured animals. The South African mastiff puppies , also known as atomic Boerboels, are large family guard dogs that go well with older kids. Many believe these Boerboels are the colonial crossbreed of mastiffs and bulldogs. Both act as guard dogs on remote farms and estates or for big hunting. They are protective of their master's family and belongings, suspi

Choosing The Perfect Boerboel Color

  Only a few people know that the Boerboel breed is an offspring of ancient bullmastiffs, Boer dogs, and other large working dogs. Historians believe this breed was used to defend the settler's homestead from lions, hyenas, leopards, and other wild animals. Their abilities to defend against the predators made them fulfilled and known for courage, strength, agility, reliability, and stamina. Today, we are here to help you choose the right color. So, read the post carefully and grab all the necessary information regarding the term cream Boerboel colors .   What Is The Right Boerboel Color For You And Your Family?   Brown, Red, And Fawn No doubt, we are going to begin with the most famous and the most common ones. It has been seen that the current Kennel Union of South Africa recognizes all shades of brown, red, and fawn. Another common thing you will notice in these colors is limited white patches on the legs and the fore chest.   Brindle The brindle color patterns are

Boerboel Dogs - An Aggressive Yet Friendly Family And Property Guard!

  Many species of dogs are domesticated, and more than 450 globally recognized breeds exist on the earth. The dogs are known for their smelling and hearing senses; some studies also indicate that they can see the earth's magnetic field, have advanced memory skills, and learn by inference. They understand and communicate with their owners more than any other species of animals and are aligned to human behavior. Therefore, people have preferred to domesticate various breeds of dogs for millennia. Today's popular breeds include German shepherd, Bulldog, Labrador retriever, Poodle, Afghan hound, Pomeranian, and Boerboel. Each species has prominent physical and behavioral features. A Brief Of Boerboel Dogs   Many individuals like to own dogs with short coats as their fur needs regular trimming or falls off and sticks to different household stuff. French bulldogs, Labrador, pug, beagle, and Boerboel dogs have short coats and require less maintenance than other breeds. Among all

Everything You Need To Know About Boerboel Dog Breed

Boerboel is one breed that looks large and intimidating, which makes this breed amazing for guarding. However, Boerboel is equally known for being calm, loving and family-friendly towards us. Boerboels are best known for their blocky head and thick muscles that would make anyone think twice before breaking into your property or harming children. Look for Boerboel studs for sale near you, and get a “badass” friend by your side.   Boerboel’s Personality This dog breed is famous for its strong guarding instinct as well as its calm and stable composure. In order to make a Boerboel the greatest pet for your house, you have to train them, take them out to exercise, and let them socialize as much as possible. Since they are intelligent and reliable, they can be great family dogs. They are courageous and willing to fight to the death to protect their family. They stick close to their favorite humans and are very territorial, so they are less likely to wander off on their own.